Rotary District 5180 Youth Protection
Youth Protection and Rotary Programs
Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth
In 2002, the RI Board of Directors adopted a Statement for Working with Youth, which applies to all Rotary activities:
Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouse, and partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people they come into contact with and protect them from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Adopted by the RI Board of Directors in November 2002; amended in November 2006
Any Club with a Youth Program, or an activity in which adults are in a supervisory or one to one relationship with a minor, is required to be certified.
Club Youth Program Certification, RYE certification and RYLA certification all have separate requirements. Certification for one does not satisfy any other. A Club must have a Club Youth Program Certification to participate in RYE, RYLA, Interact or if the Club participates in any activity in which adults are in a supervisory or one to one relationship with a minor.
Contact the District 5180 Youth Protection Officer at to begin your Club’s Youth Protection Certification.
Rotary Youth Exchange Program Certification
In order to participate in the Youth Exchange program, districts must attain certification by establishing the following minimum requirements for youth protection and exchange program operations:
- Adopt the Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth and development of a district abuse and harassment prevention or youth protection policy
- Establish the district or multidistrict Youth Exchange program as part of an incorporated entity
- Obtain adequate general liability insurance with coverage and limits appropriate for the district’s geographic location
If you are unsure of your district’s certification status, please contact RI staff at
Rotaract Youth Protection
Please see the "Rotaract Youth Protection Q/A" document attached to this site.
Interact Youth Protection
Please see the "Interact Youth Protection Q/A" document attached to this site.
RYLA Youth Protection
Please see the "RYLA Youth Protection Q/A" document attached to this site.
For more information on Youth Protection, please contact the Rotary District 5180 Youth Protection Chairman, Dean Henricks, at the following link: Email Dean Henricks.